eXp Realty Supercharges Agent Earning Potential

Introducing the “Accelerate” agent incentive program, breaking down growth barriers through accelerated revenue share opportunities

eXp Realty Supercharges Agent Earning Potential

Introducing the “Accelerate” agent incentive program, breaking down growth barriers through accelerated revenue share opportunities

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Sept. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  eXp Realty®, “the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” and the core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), today announced the launch of Accelerate – an incentive program focused solely on helping eXp agents build for their future by maximizing their revenue share earning potential during their first year with the company.

“In the lifespan of an agent, a critical component of long-term success is the ability to build for their retirement, so we launched Accelerate to help catalyze their potential earnings and create momentum in the first year and build for their future,” said Glenn Sanford, Founder and CEO of eXp Realty. “We continue to be relentlessly focused on delivering a model that puts agents first. I couldn’t be more proud of what we have created, especially for those looking to build long-term wealth, with our revenue share and equity programs for agents, as well as a favorable cap and split model.”

Accelerate, which is available in all 24 countries where eXp Realty operates, applies to agents who joined on or after March 1, 2023. The program automatically opens revenue share tiers 2 and 3 for 12 months beginning Sept. 7, 2023, creating the opportunity to have 10 front line qualifying agents (FLQA) immediately. This can open up the eXponential components of eXp’s revenue share program in that first year. After the 12-month period, standard revenue share criteria will apply.

“Accelerate was designed to reduce barriers and incentivize agents to grow their organizations,” said Michael Valdes, Chief Growth Officer, eXp Realty. “It enables them to focus on selling and growing their businesses while earning the maximum potential revenue share for tiers two and three for the first year. Our aligned compensation model, where agents are rewarded for both production and contributions to eXp’s growth, brings more value than ever before.”

This launch comes on the heels of the company’s June announcement that, for the first time, was refining revenue share criteria for its agents, reducing the current FLQA tier 7 threshold from 40 to 30 FLQA. As part of its efforts to continually enhance its model, the company also launched Boost, a program designed to financially incentivize qualifying independent teams and brokerages to join eXp Realty.

Revenue share is just one part of eXp Realty’s aligned compensation model, which also includes competitive commissions and stock equity programs designed to enable its agents to build for their future.

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, Virbela and SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 88,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud-based brokerage is powered by Virbela, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit https://expworldholdings.com

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The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward-looking statements include changes in business or other market conditions; the difficulty of keeping expense growth at modest levels while increasing revenues; and other risks detailed from time to time in the company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Media Relations Contact:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Investor Relations Contact:

Denise Garcia


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/04ad7948-9819-48ea-92e3-6e0804785bab

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8918619

eXp World Holdings Appoints Fred Reichheld to Board of Directors

Net Promoter® System creator and one of the world’s leading experts on customer and employee loyalty brings unparalleled knowledge of employee and customer satisfaction

eXp World Holdings Appoints Fred Reichheld to Board of Directors

Net Promoter® System creator and one of the world’s leading experts on customer and employee loyalty brings unparalleled knowledge of employee and customer satisfaction

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Sept. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) (the “Company”) this week announced the appointment of Net Promoter® System (NPS) creator Fred Reichheld to the Company’s board of directors, effective Sept. 7, 2023.

“We are honored to welcome Fred Reichheld to our Board of Directors,” said Glenn Sanford, Founder, CEO and Chairman of eXp World Holdings. “For companies that value customer and employee satisfaction and loyalty, as we do, the holy grail is the Net Promoter System. Conducting regular NPS surveys with our agents and staff since 2016 is core to delivering on our agent-centric mission, and Fred shared his wisdom with our team at this year’s Shareholder Summit. I am thrilled to have him on our Board of Directors and look forward to working even more closely together.”

In addition to creating the NPS system, Reichheld is a sought-after speaker and best-selling author. His most recent book, “Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers,” explains how NPS helps companies become truly customer-centric, experiencing profitable growth through systematically converting more customers into promoters and fewer into detractors. He is currently a Bain & Company Fellow and founder of their Loyalty practice. He graduated with honors both from Harvard College (B.A., 1974) and Harvard Business School (M.B.A., 1978).

Concurrent with Reichheld’s appointment, Sir Darren Jacklin will step down but continue to serve on the eXp Realty Canada Board of Directors. Following these changes, the eXp World Holdings board will comprise seven directors, four of whom are independent. Jacklin served on the eXp World Holdings Board of Directors for nearly 10 years.

“Darren has been an integral part of this company, and we are fortunate to have his continued insight and leadership on the eXp Canada Board of Directors,” said Sanford. “I would like to personally thank him for all his many contributions over the years. His experience traveling to four continents and over 50 countries mentoring entrepreneurs and business owners on specific and measurable strategies designed to build their success was a great asset to us. eXp Canada will greatly benefit from his experience and wisdom.”

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, Virbela and SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 88,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud-based brokerage is powered by Virbela, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit https://expworldholdings.com

Safe Harbor Statement

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward-looking statements include changes in business or other market conditions; the difficulty of keeping expense growth at modest levels while increasing revenues; and other risks detailed from time to time in the company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Media Relations Contact:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Investor Relations Contact:

Denise Garcia


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/097fbd03-129c-44d0-bb81-073f4d26b3a7

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8917806

Resonac fait équipe avec Matmerize pour créer un avancement de la technologie 6G en utilisant un logiciel d’IA innovant

ATLANTA, 07 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dans le cadre d’une collaboration importante, Matmerize, Inc., un innovateur en IA des matériaux, et Resonac Corporation ont formé un partenariat stratégique visant à révolutionner le paysage de la technologie 6G. S’appuyant sur les fondements d’une collaboration robuste, Resonac tirera parti de la technologie du logiciel d’IA PolymRize™ de Matmerize afin d’accélérer le développement de matériaux purs et composites exceptionnels et haute performance pour la technologie 6G et plus encore.

En janvier 2023, Resonac Corporation a annoncé des projets consistant à développer de nouveaux matériaux de semi-conducteurs pour la 6G, la norme de système de télécommunication de nouvelle génération faisant suite à la 5G. Alors que la 6G s’apprête à être 100 fois plus rapide que la 5G, de nouveaux matériaux de semi-conducteurs sont nécessaires pour réduire de manière considérable la perte de transmission associée à la vitesse de communication accrue. Pour répondre à cette exigence, Resonac identifiera les matériaux optimaux avec les caractéristiques requises grâce à des méthodes computationnelles et à l’intelligence artificielle (IA) dans le cadre d’une initiative collaborative avec Matmerize, Inc. Alors que des tests manuels employant des techniques traditionnelles demanderaient trois mois pour évaluer une seule combinaison de matériaux, le logiciel d’IA de Matmerize, PolymRize™, réduit le temps requis à une seule journée et peut évaluer jusqu’à 90 combinaisons en trois mois. Le résultat promet d’être une fusion entre ingénierie des matériaux et intelligence artificielle, et devrait redéfinir le développement de la technologie 6G.

PolymRize™ exploite les données exclusives de Matmerize ou spécifiques au client pour construire des modèles prédictifs. Une fois bâtis, ces modèles prédisent rapidement les propriétés des nouveaux polymères, composites et formulations qui n’ont pas encore été synthétisés, ainsi que les incertitudes associées. Le logiciel emploie des outils de conception générative et automatisée pour recommander des candidats idéaux répondant aux exigences de propriétés des séries suivantes d’expérimentation physique. PolymRize™ accélère ainsi l’obtention des matériaux cibles, réduisant de manière considérable les coûts comme le temps requis. Par ailleurs, il introduit un cadre pour l’organisation et la gestion des données, et a démontré qu’il s’agissait d’une aide numérique de confiance pour les chimistes et ingénieurs des procédés.

Dans une initiative pilote, Resonac a évalué les capacités de Matmerize. Des modèles prédictifs ont été construits en utilisant PolymRize™ et un logiciel tiers en se centrant sur les principales propriétés de matériaux étant pertinentes pour la technologie 6G. Les propriétés incluaient l’intervalle de bande, la constante diélectrique, l’indice de réfraction, la température de transition du verre et le coefficient d’expansion linéaire. Les performances des modèles PolymRizeTM et tiers ont été évaluées en réalisant des prédictions de propriétés pour des cas d’essais inédits identiques. Les prédictions de PolymRizeTM se sont constamment montrées supérieures aux modèles tiers en termes de vitesse et de précision (voir la figure présentant les performances des modèles).

Un snippet média accompagnant cette annonce est disponible en cliquant sur l’image ou le lien ci-dessous :

Resonac PR : comparaison des performances des modèles

« Collaborer avec Resonac sur le développement de la technologie 6G est une opportunité de choix pour Matmerize », a déclaré Rampi Ramprasad, co-fondateur et PDG de Matmerize. « Dans le but de nous aligner sur la vision de Resonac consistant à révolutionner les technologies de nouvelle génération, et stimulés par l’engagement de Matmerize à faire avancer les capacités de conception de matériaux virtuels, architectures et algorithmes d’IA, nous sommes bien positionnés pour nous lancer dans une nouvelle ère de conception de matériaux intelligente et accélérée. »

Pour tout complément d’information sur la plateforme innovante PolymRizeTM, veuillez consulter la page : https://www.matmerize.com/polymrize

Pour l’annonce de Resonac concernant le développement de nouveaux matériaux de semi-conducteurs pour la 6G, veuillez consulter la page :

À propos de Matmerize :

Matmerize, récente spin-out du Georgia Institute of Technology, se trouve au premier plan des solutions innovantes qui comblent le fossé entre l’IA et l’ingénierie des matériaux. La plateforme PolymRizeTM de Matmerize emploie un filtrage virtuel et des algorithmes d’IA pour identifier les matériaux optimaux, permettant aux technologues de concentrer leurs efforts expérimentaux sur les options les plus prometteuses, accélérant ainsi considérablement le processus d’ingénierie des matériaux. PolymRizeTM représente un changement de paradigme dans le secteur, propulsant les clients devant la concurrence et favorisant l’innovation à une allure sans précédent.

À propos de Resonac :
Le groupe Resonac est une nouvelle société établie en conséquence de l’intégration de Showa Denko et de Showa Denko Materials (anciennement Hitachi Chemical) en janvier 2023. Le chiffre d’affaires annuel du groupe pour ses semi-conducteurs et matériaux électroniques s’élève à environ 400 milliards de yens, représentant environ 30 % du chiffre d’affaires net annuel du groupe. Le groupe possède en particulier une grande part mondiale des matériaux de semi-conducteurs pour le processus de conditionnement. L’intégration des deux sociétés a permis au groupe Resonac de concevoir des fonctions de matériaux ainsi que de les développer en interne, en allant jusqu’aux matières premières. Le nouveau nom commercial « RESONAC » a été créé en combinant le mot « RESONATE » (résonner) et la lettre « C » de CHEMISTRY (chimie). Le groupe Resonac tirera le meilleur parti de sa plateforme co-créative et accélèrera l’innovation technologique avec des fabrications de semi-conducteurs, des fabricants de matériaux et des fabricants d’équipements au sein et en dehors du Japon.

Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter notre site Web : Resonac Holdings Corporation : https://www.resonac.com/

Contact : 
Matmerize, Inc.
E : info@matmerize.com
Y : regardez les vidéos de Matmerize sur YouTube
L : suivez notre page LinkedIn

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8918560

Resonac Faz Parceria com a Matmerize para Revolucionar o Avanço da Tecnologia 6G com Software Inovador de IA

ATLANTA, Sept. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em uma colaboração significativa, a Matmerize, Inc., inovadora em IA de materiais, e a Resonac Corporation fecharam uma parceria estratégica com o objetivo de revolucionar o cenário da tecnologia 6G. Com base na sólida base colaborativa, a Resonac utilizará o poder da tecnologia do software de IA PolymRize™ da Matmerize para acelerar o desenvolvimento de materiais puros e compostos excepcionais de alto desempenho na tecnologia 6G e além.

Em janeiro de 2023, a Resonac Corporation anunciou planos de desenvolvimento de novos materiais semicondutores para 6G, o padrão de sistema de telecomunicações da próxima geração após 5G. Com o 6G definido para ser 100 vezes mais rápido que o 5G, novos materiais semicondutores são necessários para reduzir substancialmente a perda de transmissão associada ao aumento da velocidade de comunicação. Para atender a esse requisito, a Resonac identificará materiais ideais com as características necessárias por meio de métodos computacionais e de Inteligência Artificial (IA) em um empreendimento colaborativo com a Matmerize, Inc. Onde o teste manual usando técnicas tradicionais exigiria três meses para avaliar uma única combinação de materiais, o software de IA da Matmerize, PolymRize™, reduz o tempo necessário para um único dia, podendo avaliar até 90 combinações no mesmo período de três meses. O resultado promete ser uma fusão de engenharia de materiais e inteligência artificial, pronta para redefinir o desenvolvimento da tecnologia 6G.

O PolymRize™ utiliza os dados proprietários da Matmerize ou específicos do cliente na criação de modelos preditivos. Uma vez criados, esses modelos predizem rapidamente as propriedades dos novos polímeros, compósitos e formulações ainda a serem sintetizados, completos com todas as suas incertezas. O software emprega ferramentas de design automatizadas e generativas para recomendar candidatos ideais que atendam aos requisitos de propriedade para rodadas subsequentes de experimentação física. O PolymRize™ acelera assim a jornada em direção aos materiais-alvo, reduzindo drasticamente o tempo e os custos. Além disso, introduz uma estrutura para gerenciamento e organização de dados, sendo um auxiliar digital confiável para químicos e engenheiros de processo.

Em uma iniciativa piloto, a Resonac avaliou a capacidade da Matmerize. Os modelos preditivos foram criados com o software PolymRize™ e de terceiros com as principais propriedades do material relevantes para a tecnologia 6G. As propriedades incluíram bandgap, constante dielétrica, índice de refração, temperatura de transição vítrea, e coeficiente de expansão linear. O desempenho do PolymRize TM e dos modelos de terceiros foi avaliado com previsões de propriedade para casos de teste invisíveis idênticos. As previsões do PolymRize TM superaram consistentemente os modelos de terceiros em velocidade e precisão (veja a figura que mostra o desempenho dos modelos).

Para um Snippet de Mídia deste comunicado, clique na imagem ou link abaixo:

Resonac PR: Comparação de modelos de desempenho

“A colaboração com a Resonac no desenvolvimento da tecnologia 6G é uma oportunidade incrível para a Matmerize”, disse Rampi Ramprasad, cofundador e CEO da Matmerize. “Com o alinhamento com a visão da Resonac de revolucionar as tecnologias da próxima geração e impulsionados pelo compromisso da Matmerize do avanço dos algoritmos, arquiteturas e recursos de design de materiais virtuais de IA, estamos preparados para uma nova era de design acelerado de materiais inteligentes”.

Para mais informação sobre a plataforma PolymRizeTM visite: https://www.matmerize.com/polymrize

Para o anúncio da Resonac sobre o desenvolvimento de novos materiais semicondutores para 6G, visite

Sobre a Matmerize:

A Matmerize, uma recente subsidiária do Georgia Institute of Technology, está na vanguarda das soluções pioneiras que preenchem a lacuna entre a IA e a engenharia de materiais. A plataforma PolymRizeTM da Matmerize utiliza triagem virtual e algoritmos de IA para identificar os materiais ideais, permitindo que os tecnólogos concentrem seus esforços experimentais nas opções mais promissoras, acelerando significativamente o processo de engenharia de materiais. O PolymRizeTM representa uma mudança de paradigma na indústria, impulsionando os clientes à frente da concorrência e conduzindo a inovação em um ritmo sem precedentes.

Sobre a Resonac:
O Grupo Resonac é uma nova empresa criada como resultado da integração do Grupo Showa Denko e do Grupo Showa Denko Materials (antigo Hitachi Chemical Group) em janeiro de 2023. As vendas anuais de semicondutores e materiais eletrônicos do Grupo totalizam cerca de 400 bilhões de ienes, representando cerca de 30% das vendas líquidas anuais do Grupo. O Grupo tem uma grande participação global com materiais semicondutores para o processo de embalagem. A integração das duas empresas permitiu que o Grupo Resonac projetasse e desenvolvesse funções de materiais concentrados nas matérias-primas. O novo nome comercial “RESONAC” é uma combinação de duas palavras em inglês, a palavra “RESONATE” (Repercutir) com “C”, a primeira letra de CHEMISTRY (Química). O Grupo Resonac aproveitará ao máximo sua plataforma co-criativa e acelerará a inovação tecnológica com fabricantes de semicondutores, de materiais e de equipamentos dentro e fora do Japão.

Para mais detalhes, consulte o nosso site: Resonac Holdings Corporation: https://www.resonac.com/

Matmerize, Inc.
E: info@matmerize.com
Y: Assista Vídeos da Matmerize no YouTube
L: Siga nossa página no LinkedIn

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8918560

Mosa Meat Becomes B Corp Certified

Cultivated meat pioneer joins the global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact.

Maastricht, Netherlands, Sept. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mosa Meat, a leader in cultivated beef production, announced today to have become a Certified B Corporation™. This marks a significant milestone in the company’s commitment to creating a more sustainable food system and bringing together partners, investors and suppliers who use business as a force for good. Upon certification, Mosa Meat became the first cultivated meat company worldwide to become B Corp™ Certified.

Founded in 2016, Mosa Meat gained international acclaim in 2013 when its founders, Mark Post and Peter Verstrate, introduced the world’s first cultivated beef hamburger grown directly from cow cells. Since then, the company has been dedicated to producing real beef in a manner that benefits people, animals, and the planet. Mosa Meat’s B Corp™ Certification validates its mission to fundamentally reshape the global food system, showcasing its environmental and social performance, commitment to accountability, transparency and leadership in driving economic systems change.

“We are thrilled to become B Corp Certified,” said Maarten Bosch, CEO of Mosa Meat. “This certification validates our commitment to sustainable practices and ethical foundations as well as strengthens our position as trendsetters in the global cellular agriculture movement. We believe in creating real, delicious meat that positively impacts the climate and our food system and are optimistic that these values will be shared across the many stakeholders in our nascent field of cellular agriculture.”

Leonardo DiCaprio, advisor and investor said “Mosa Meat continues to be a champion for change. I am proud to see Mosa Meat be the first cultivated meat company in the world to become B Corp Certified and hope it is the first of many.”

To receive B Corp™ Certification businesses are assessed on performance, accountability, and transparency in their social and environmental impact. They are holistically evaluated on aspects ranging from governance and mission to environmental practices, workers’ welfare and supply chain practices. With this certification Mosa Meat joins a community of caring, responsible and courageous leaders like Patagonia, Amy’s Kitchen, and Ben & Jerry’s that have become a Certified B Corporation™ previously.

After more than a year of thorough evaluation, Mosa Meat became B Corp™ Certified with two Impact Business Models (IBMs): ‘Resource Conservation’ and ‘Mission Locked’.

  • Resource Conservation recognizes products/services that reduce resource use (energy and water)
  • Mission locked recognizes companies that protect their mission and ability to formally consider stakeholders in decision making through their corporate structure or corporate governing documents

For an IBM certification, companies need to demonstrate principles that are specific, material, verifiable, lasting, and extraordinary. While the B Corp™ process is quite selective for companies to go through, gaining an IBM is considered to be even more challenging.

To realise the biggest positive climate impact, Mosa Meat is focused on cultivating beef over other types of meat first, and uses 100% renewable energy at their production facility. According to an independent, peer-reviewed Life Cycle Analysis study, cultivated beef production could reduce climate impact by 92%, air pollution by 93%, use 95% less land and 78% less water when compared to industrial beef production. Additionally, cultivated beef production offers the opportunity to free up land for more regenerative agriculture and re-wilding of habitats, which would further reduce negative impacts of food production. The automated process through which cultivated meat is produced, and the clean environment of its manufacturing, will also drastically reduce the need for antibiotics use and the risk of pathogens, contaminants and foodborne illnesses associated with intensive animal farming.

Mosa Meat is a global food technology company pioneering a cleaner, kinder way of making real beef. Our founders introduced the world’s first cultivated beef hamburger in 2013, by growing it directly from cow cells. Founded in 2016, Mosa Meat is now scaling up production of the same beef that people love, but in a way that is better for people, animals, and the planet. A diverse and growing team of food-loving problem-solvers, we are united in our mission to fundamentally reshape the global food system. Headquartered in Maastricht, The Netherlands, Mosa Meat is a privately held company backed by Lowercarbon Capital, Bell Food Group, Nutreco, Mitsubishi Corporation, Leonardo DiCaprio and others.

Follow Mosa Meat on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram or visit mosameat.com to learn more about why people #cravechange.


Tim van de Rijdt
Mosa Meat

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8916610

Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank launches 40th Anniversary

The Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank (AKRB), a veteran in the rural banking industry, has launched its 40th Anniversary celebration, with a pledge to deepen its impact on society and enhance value creation for its stakeholders.

Management of the bank has also committed to going all length to make good use of the technological advancement available to provide excellent and preferred products and services to bond with its customers.

Mr Samuel Bonsu-Sekyere, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the bank, stated this at the formal launch of the 40th anniversary celebrations and the unveiling of the anniversary logo at Ayigya in the Oforikrom Municipality.

It was on the theme: ‘Celebrating Four Decades of Banking Excellence and Customer Satisfaction.’

The bank, which was established on September 6, 1983, now has 11 branches and had seen phenomenal increase in its financial performance.

Mr Bonsu-Sekyere said the AKRB would continue to ensure community support by giving back to society in terms of education, agriculture, and health.

Notable among those are the construction of a model senior high school and a library at Pakyi No. 2, nurses’ quarters at SDA hospital at Dominase, and a three-unit classroom block at Semankyiakrom.

Activities earmarked for the celebration included health walk, health screening, inter-school’s gala, and donations.

Reverend James Owusu-Bonsu, the Board Chairman of the Bank, said even though the bank was established at a time that the country was going through structural adjustment, it was able to make strides after three years of hard work.

‘It takes an experience bank to take care of customer investments with the activities of cyber fraud,’ he stated.

He said the bank was known for its consistency in operations and profit margin, making it capable to compete with bigger banks.

Mr Kofi Owusu, the Operations Manager, ARB Apex bank, said the AKRB had employed a good number of the youth and improved the standard of living of most Ghanaians, and called on the public to invest with the bank.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Chris Cares Foundation Enrolls 3,500 residents in Agona West onto NHIS

The Chris Cares Foundation (CCF), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), has enrolled 3,500 residents on the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in three communities of the Agona West Municipality of the Central Region.

The communities are Agona Upper and Lower Bobikuma, Agona Otsenkorang, and Agona Nkum.

Speaking to the media at Agona Nkum, Mr Chris Arthur, the Executive Director, CCF, said the move was to touch lives of the underprivileged in the municipality, through its corporate social responsibility.

Health was important in every human life, hence the need to support the people, including mothers and children, to get access to quality and affordable health care delivery, he said.

Mr Arthur said the foundation sought so cover more people, many of whom had not been able to renew or register for new NHIS cards due to financial difficulties.

He said health insurance played an important role in health care delivery and that the introduction of the NHIS by the President Kufuor-led government was one of the best pro-poor policies.

The foundation got wind that many people on health insurance in the Agona West Municipality had for the past three to five years not renewed their cards, hence the need to assist them.

Mr Athur said if the health facility was accessible but one’s insurance had expired, it would be extremely difficult to access health care.

‘Based on that the CCF had taken it upon itself to provide funds to the NHIS office to enroll anybody, be it a child or an adult, to promote quality health care delivery,’ he said.

He said the Government alone could not afford health care for all, hence the need for philanthropists, well to-do individuals and organisations to get on board to support residents to help reduce their health burden.

Some beneficiaries who spoke to the media praised the foundation for the provision of funds to enroll them on the Scheme.

Ms Anita Ampiah, a beneficiary, said the foundation had assisted her and her child to renew their cards, which had elapsed for three years, adding that accessing health care was very difficult due to financial problem.

Mr Kofi Mensah, another beneficiary, said the CCF had not only assisted the inhabitants of Agona Nkum to get health insurance but also facilitated the formation of the town’s volunteer squad to ensure protection of life and property.

The foundation donated sewing machines to junior high school female graduates who could not continue to SHS to enable them to irk a living.

Source: Ghana News Agency

ASKY takes delivery of two Boeing 737-8 MAX

ASKY, the Pan-African Airline, has received two Boeing 737-8 MAX aircraft, registered ET-BAQ and ET-BAR, with a capacity of 160 seats, including 16 seats in Business Class and 144 seats in Economy Class.

This follows the signing of a lease for two Boeing 737-8 MAX aircraft with AerCap, the world’s largest commercial aircraft lessor, on Monday May 22, 2023.

A statement issued in Accra by the Airline said the ceremony took place at Lomé’s Gnassingbé Eyadema International Airport, in the presence of the Minister of Road, Air and Rail Transport, airport authorities, Togo CAA, Aviation Stakeholders, ASKY Top management and travel agency representatives.

The features of the Boeing 737-8 MAX include cutting-edge technology enabling reduced fuel consumption, thus reducing the environmental footprint while maintaining optimum flight performance.

It said spacious, modern interiors were designed to offer enhanced passenger comfort, with flexible seating options and State-of-the-Art in-flight entertainment systems.

These two Boeing 737-8 MAX aircraft reflect ASKY’s commitment to modernizing its fleet and offering its passengers an exceptional travel experience with the latest advances in aircraft technology.

Mr Affoh Atcha-Dedji, the Minister of Road, Air and Rail Transport, commended the leadership for the cooperation between ASKY and Ethiopian Airlines.

He said Aviation was more than just a means of transport and it was a bridge to the world, a link between cultures and people.

Mr. Esayas Woldemariam Hailu, the Chief Executive Officer of ASKY, expressed gratitude with the crucial addition to the company’s fleet; ‘We are delighted to welcome these two new Boeing 737-8 MAX aircraft to the ASKY family.’

He said these aircrafts embodied their commitment to providing superior air transport services to our customers. In addition to strengthening our ability to serve a wide range of expanding destinations, these aircraft reflect our commitment to enhanced custom service.

ASKY will continue to strengthen its presence in the airline market by investing in advanced aircraft, high quality crew training and expanding its network of destinations.

The company remains resolutely committed to raising the standards of the air transport industry in Africa.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Don’t desert indigenous arts – CEO Lododo Art

Dr. Sarah Dogbadzi Ossei – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Artistic Director of Lododo Art Foundation, has said the various forms of art in the country, should not be abandoned as they remain ‘the lifeline’ of the nation.

According to her, ‘the solution to the problems we have in the country is in the arts’, hence the need to pay critical attention the sector.

‘Art is the soul of every society. The art is what keeps the society alive and balanced; it is the lifeline of society, but we don’t pay attention to it. If the soul decides to desert, we become miserable,’ she said.

The CEO, also a Senior Lecturer at the Theater Arts Department of the University of Ghana School of Performing Arts, was speaking to the Ghana News Agency, after staging the show titled: ‘Na Wo Se S?n’ (What Do You Say) at the Efua Sutherland Theater Studio, Legon.

Described as night of ‘art conversations’, the show blended poetry, music, dance, and Ghanaian folktales. It was one of the events held as part of the 13th Edition of the Chale Wote Street Arts Festival in Accra.

Dr. Dogbadzi Ossei, whose stage craft won the admiration of audiences, observed that indigenous story-telling culture was gradually fading especially among youth, hence the effort to revive the culture by combining various forms of art on one stage.

She said ‘Na Wo Se S?n’ was to create a platform for important conversations that would inform policy decisions.

The academic, on a mission to revive storytelling in Ghana, said the concept emerged from the need to pass on the rich values embedded in local folktales.

‘When my son was three years old, he told me to tell him a story. I sat in many story telling sessions, but I couldn’t remember any story I was told as a child.

‘It was time to introduce him to the holding of our ancestral archive; I could not say I have lost the key, I had to find it. So I got inspiration to start doing revival of story-telling,’ she noted.

As an art enthusiast, she has been on the mission for past 15 years but the activities of Lododo Art Foundation, which was established five years ago, she said, had been self-funded.

‘I have intentions of making them [Ghanaian folk stories] into animation for young people on the internet where we don’t have proper representation of what is called African. But it all requires funding,’ she added.

Dr. Dogbadzi Ossei said a number of folk stories had already been translated into audio-visual format for research purposes, but further stressed the relevance of creating a platform for young people to ‘express themselves and share their experiences’.

Her team organises an end of year event in December dubbed: ‘Bronya Apata’ to create an ambience for participants to experience Christmas in the traditional Ghanaian setting, where children, built Christmas huts and enjoyed folk stories and music.

The foundation again organises the Lododo Story Telling Festival in March, inviting the custodians Ga, Akan, Ewe, and Dagbani culture to tell their stories in their language.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Tribal Sports Wear and Kustom donates to National Boxing Team?

Tribal Sports Wear and Kustom, a sportswear manufacturing industry has donated training kits to Ghana’s Boxing team ahead of their Olympic Boxing Qualifying Championship in Dakar, Senegal.?

The team, made up of seven males and five females would seek to book a ticket to the 2024 Paris Olympic Games as they face other African giants.

Mr. Kwab Asamoah, Chief Executive Officer of Tribal Sports Wear and Kustom presented the items to the team and urged them to make Ghana proud in the event.?

He wished the team well and urged Ghanaians to rally behind them as they journey towards achieving success for the country.

Mr. Yaw Ampofo Ankrah, GOC Director of Communications received the kits on behalf of the team and thanked the donor for his patriotic gesture.

The Black Bombers and the Black Hitters are currently in Senegal preparing for the championship on Saturday 9th September, 2023.?

Source: Ghana News Agency