Le plus grand festival de cocktails au monde dévoile Jacob Martin comme meilleur bartender du monde

Le concours hautement anticipé apporte des expériences de cocktails colorées et des collaborations inédites dans la ville de São Paulo

SÃO PAULO, Brésil, 30 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Jacob Martin, du Canada, a été désigné World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2023 par les légendes de l’industrie. Il a remporté le concours face à plus de 10 000 autres bartenders de haut niveau qui se sont essayés à l’Everest du bartending de cette année.

Dans le cadre du concours, Jacob a passé une série de défis sur une période de quatre jours. En plus de concocter des cocktails classiques et de les élever à un niveau supérieur avec le gin favori des bartenders Tanqueray No. TEN, Jacob a également osé aller plus loin avec la polyvalence de saveurs de Johnnie Walker Black Label, avant de créer un cocktail Ketel One Garnished with Good qui a non seulement impressionné les juges de par sa créativité gustative, mais a aussi eu un impact positif sur leur communauté locale au Canada.

Après sa victoire, Jacob a déclaré : « C’est un incroyable honneur de gagner World Class. Non seulement parce que cela représente le sommet de l’industrie, mais aussi en raison des géants que j’ai eu le privilège d’affronter cette semaine. La communauté du bartending est incroyable et cette semaine me l’a constamment rappelé. Nous nous sommes tous poussés les uns et les autres, avons appris les uns des autres et avons puisé dans la fantastique énergie de cette ville incroyable. Le niveau du concours était extraordinaire, mais pour l’instant, j’ai juste hâte de déguster un cocktail préparé par quelqu’un d’autre ! »

Dans le cadre du concours, São Paulo a vu des bartenders de renommée mondiale comme Monica Berg (de Tayer + Elementary à Londres), Giacomo Giannotti (du meilleur bar du monde, le Paradiso à Barcelone) ou encore Ago Perrone (de The Connaught Bar à Londres) investir la ville pour juger l’événement et accueillir des expériences « World Class » spéciales dans certains des établissements nocturnes les plus emblématiques de la ville.

Le concours marque également le début du World Class Cocktail Festival, avec de formidables collaborations de bars dans toute la ville, notamment le Bar Dos Arcos, Tan Tan et le Guilhotina Bar.

Globalement, le World Class Cocktail Festival s’étend dans plus de 1 000 établissements à travers le Brésil, offrant à des centaines de milliers d’amateurs de cocktails des expériences uniques de la part de marques telles que Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN et Don Julio.

Le World Class de cette année a également vu l’inclusion de l’Industry Forum, une chance de s’engager, d’éduquer et d’inspirer la communauté du bartending avec des séminaires et des tables rondes de juges et d’invités World Class. Parmi les points saillants du forum, on peut citer « From Insta to IRL: trends and how to master them » (D’Insta à la vraie vie : tendances et comment les maîtriser) avec Kaitlyn Stewart, lauréate du concours World Class 2017, et Giuliana Pe Benito, directrice mondiale de la culture chez Diageo Reserve, ainsi que « Behind the Scenes of the World’s Best Bars » (Dans les coulisses des meilleurs bars du monde) avec des propriétaires de bars comme Monica Berg, Thiago Benares et Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, directrice mondiale de Diageo World Class, a déclaré : « Après le succès du World Class à Sydney l’année dernière, les équipes World Class du monde entier, l’équipe du Brésil et, bien sûr, nos formidables 54 compétiteurs ont tous mis les bouchées doubles et vraiment assuré cette année. Le niveau d’énergie sur le terrain ici est incroyable et après de nombreux mois de planification, c’était formidable de tout voir se concrétiser comme cela. C’est vraiment palpitant de voir une ville prendre vie avec des cocktails de qualité et des expériences exceptionnelles.

« Jacob a véritablement porté le concours à un niveau supérieur. Il a excellé dans tous les domaines et les commentaires des juges étaient extrêmement positifs. Jacob mérite largement sa victoire et je suis impatiente de travailler avec lui au cours des 12 prochains mois – il ira loin. »

Depuis son lancement en 2009, Diageo World Class joue un rôle significatif dans l’inspiration d’une expérience de consommation d’alcool plus raffinée et la transformation de la culture du cocktail à l’échelle mondiale, en soutenant plus de 450 000 bartenders dans le monde à travers des formations et l’éducation.

Pour en savoir plus sur World Class et vous tenir au courant des dernières créations, tendances et formations, rendez-vous sur www.diageobaracademy.com/en_zz/world-class-/ et suivez @WorldClass sur Instagram.

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Sarah Deller

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Maior Festival Mundial de Coquetéis Revela Jacob Martin como Melhor Bartender do Mundo

Competição altamente esperada leva experiências de coquetéis coloridos e colaborações inéditas para a cidade de São Paulo

SÃO PAULO, Brasil, Sept. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jacob Martin, do Canadá, foi reconhecido pelas celebridades da indústria como o Melhor Bartender do Mundo de 2023. Ele eliminou uma concorrência de mais de 10.000 bartenders de elite que tentaram conquistar o Everest de bartending deste ano.

Jacob participou de uma série de desafios ao longo da competição de quatro dias. Desde a criação de coquetéis clássicos até o famoso TEN com o favorito dos bartenders, Tanqueray No. TEN, Jacob também ousou com os sabores do Johnnie Walker Black Label, além de criar um coquetel Ketel One Decorado com Good que não apenas impressionou os jurados com a criatividade do sabor, mas também teve um impacto positivo na sua comunidade local no Canadá.

Ao vencer, Jacob disse: “É uma honra inacreditável ganhar o World Class. Além de ser o ponto mais alto da indústria, também pela oportunidade que tive de poder competir com os gigantes do setor esta semana. A comunidade de Bartenders é incrível e me lembrei disso durante toda a semana. Nós nos incentivamos, aprendemos uns com os outros e pudemos vivenciar a incrível energia desta cidade fantástica. O padrão da competição foi excepcional e agora estou louco para experimentar um coquetel feito por outra pessoa!”

Como parte da competição, São Paulo contou com bartenders de renome mundial, incluindo Monica Berg (da Tayer + Elementary de Londres), Giacomo Giannotti (do Melhor Bar do Mundo, Paradiso em Barcelona) e Ago Perrone (do Connaught Bar de Londres) que foram jurados do evento e anfitriões de experiências especiais de “Classe Mundial” em alguns dos locais mais emblemáticos da vida noturna da cidade.

A competição também deu início ao World Class Cocktail Festival com incríveis colaborações de bar em toda a cidade, incluindo Bar Dos Arcos, Tan Tan e Guilhotina Bar.

O The World Class Cocktail Festival se estende por mais de 1.000 locais em todo o Brasil, proporcionando a centenas de milhares de amantes de coquetéis experiências únicas com Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN e Don Julio.

O World Class deste ano também contou com o Fórum da Indústria, uma oportunidade de envolver, educar e inspirar a comunidade de bartending com seminários e painéis de discussão com jurados e convidados do World Class – os destaques incluíram: “From Insta to IRL: trends and how to master them”, com a vencedora do World Class 2017, Kaitlyn Stewart e a Gerente Global de Cultura de Reserva da Diageo, Giuliana Pe Benito e “Behind the Scenes of the World ‘s Best Bars” com proprietários de bares, incluindo Monica Berg, Thiago Benares e Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, Diretora Global da Diageo World Class, disse: “Dar seguimento ao World Class do ano passado em Sydney foi um grande desafio, mas as equipes do World Class de todo o mundo, a equipe do Brasil e, é claro, nossos incríveis 54 concorrentes, levaram o desafio a sério e venceram com muito orgulho. O nível de energia aqui é incrível e depois de tantos meses de planejamento, é uma grande emoção ver tudo funcionado tão bem. É muito emocionante ver uma cidade brilhar com ótimas bebidas e ótimas experiências.

“Jacob realmente levou esta competição para o próximo nível – ele se destacou em as áreas e o feedback dos jurados foi incrível. Jacob mereceu o prêmio e mal posso esperar para trabalhar com ele nos próximos 12 meses – ele vai longe.”

Desde a sua estreia em 2009, o Diageo World Class tem tido um papel significativo na inspiração das melhores bebidas e na transformação da cultura de coquetéis em todo o mundo. Ele apoia mais de 450.000 bartenders em todo o mundo por meio de treinamento e educação.

Para obter mais informações sobre o World Class e para se manter atualizado com as últimas bebidas, tendências e treinamento, visite www.diageobaracademy.com/en_zz/world-class-/ e siga @WorldClass no Instagram.

Sarah Deller

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Ember Months: FRSC counsels motorists on rules, regulations of driving

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Delta Command, advises motorists to obey traffic rules and regulations to stem crashes on highways during and after the ember months.

Mr Bassey Eshiet, the Sector Commander of FRSC Delta Command, gave the advice on Thursday at the flag-off of Ember Months Campaign 2023 entitled: “Speed Thrills, Speed Kills, Drive Responsibly and Avoid Overloading”.

According to him, toward the end of every year, the volume of traffic increases, coupled with high incidences of road traffic infractions.

“These infractions include route violation, excessive speeding, dangerous driving, wrongful overtaking, overloading, drunk driving, drivers fatigue and making call while driving.

“These risk factors result in Road Traffic Crashes with fatalities, and the high vehicular volume due to surge in movement of people results in traffic gridlock, fatigue and sometimes road traffic crash amongst others.

“The Corps’ determination to check these trends and ensure free flow of traffic culminated in 2023 Ember Months Road Safety Campaign prior to the commencement of year 2023 End of Year Special Patrol Operation from December 2023 to January 2024.

“The aim of the campaign is to immensely reduce crashes and to ensure as much as possible the elimination of death from crashes that may occur if any,” he said.

Eshiet noted that the higher the speed of a vehicle, the shorter the time a driver had to stop and avoid a crash adding that speeding contributed to the severity of the impact when a collision occurs.

According to him, controlling vehicle speed can prevent crashes and reduce the impact when they do occur, lessening the severity of injuries sustained by the victim.

“What is obvious to you may not be to others, most people don’t think `Road Safety’ as long as they have a good vehicle and a reasonable stretch of road.

“A car travelling at 50km/h will typically require 13 metres to stop, while a car travelling at 40km/h will stop in less than 8.5 metres.

“An increase in average speed of 1 km/h typically results in a 37 per cent higher risk of a crash involving injury, with a four per cent to five per cent increase for crashes that result in fatalities.

“For car occupants in a crash with an impact speed of 80km/h, the likelihood of death is 20 times what it would have been at an impact speed of 30km/h.

“The relationship between speed and injury severity is particularly critical for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists.

“Pedestrians have been shown to have a 90 per cent chance of survival when struck by a car travelling at 30km/h or below, but less than 50 per cent chance of surviving an impact at 45km/h.

“Pedestrians have almost no chance of surviving an impact of 80km/h,” he said.

The Delta Governor, Sheriff Oborevwori, represented by Vincent Ehiwario, Director, Vehicle Inspection Service (VIS), identified lack of maintenance culture as a major cause of crashes on the road

“Many people fail to engage in simple maintenance check and servicing of their vehicle such as the brakes, tyres, steering etc.

“It is important to check these things because they are major causes of road crashes, and checking them can prevent loss of lives and properties,” he said.

Mr Silas Omobude, Assistant Director, Narcotics, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), warned motorists to desist from illicit use of drugs on steering, drunk-driving during and after the “ember” month.

“Most of the road crashes that occur during the `ember’ months are caused by bad attitudes of drivers.

“Drunk-driving and illicit use of drugs are not allowed during, before and after ’ember’ months.

“Motorists should ensure effective functioning of the steering system, headlights, brake, wipers and tyres, for safety,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Gov. Mutfwang calls for more recognition of nursing profession

Gov. Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau on Friday in Abuja called for more recognition of the nursing profession, saying the practitioners are relegated to the background.

The governor made the call at the presentation of a book titled: “Challenges and Triumph of the Nursing Profession in Nigeria” written by Prof. Kola Oyedepo.

According to Mutfwang, the centrality of the nursing profession to the health sector cannot be overemphasised and the contribution of the profession is enormous.

He therefore called on policy makers, trainers and stakeholders to make sure that they promote the profession to fulfil its mandate.

“Nurses are very central in the healthcare delivery system, midwives are very central to the issue of birth. We must make sure that the professionalism in the sector is enhanced in every way that is possible.

“I want to congratulate the author of this book for giving the nurses further tools

to work. As governors, we are going to ensure that the health sector is looked at comprehensively.

“This is to make sure that the nursing profession within the health sector is given its pride of place, we are going to make policy pronouncements. We are going to invest in training to enhance the profession in our state,” he said.

The Registrar/Chief Executive Officer, Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN), Dr Faruk Abubakar, noted that nurses play a pivotal role in the healthcare delivery.

Represented by Mr Emmanuel Udontre, Director, Planning Research and Statistics, NMCN, Abubakar said that nurses have the autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings.

According to him, advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and patients, health system management and education are key roles of nurses.

He called on government at all levels to begin to show more care to the nurses for the big role they perform in the healthcare system.

Also speaking, the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of of Health (FMoH), Mrs Daju Kachallom, also stated that the nursing and Midwifery profession occupies a unique and vital place within the healthcare system.

Represented by Mrs Francisca Okafor, Director of Nursing, FMoH, Kachallom said that nurses and midwives are compassionate, skilled and tireless professionals.

She said they are often the first and last point of care for patients, stressing that they must be treated with dignity.

Kachallom stated that they provide comfort in times of distress, guidance during moment of uncertainty and skilful assistance during the most critical phases of life.

She thanked the author of the book for dishing out such enormous knowledge in the medical profession.

The book author disclosed that he was motivated to write the book to encourage practitioners of nursing and midwifery to be committed to the profession and to seek for more knowledge.

The professor added that he was also motivated to write the book so that people will give more recognition to the practitioners of nursing profession, saying that nurses give 70 to 75 per cent assistance to the medical profession.

Oyedepo who was responding to the allegation of nurses of not being part of President Bola Tinubu’s ministerial nominees, blamed the nurses saying that they are not projecting themselves well as it ought to be.

According to him, nurses have a lot of information that could revive the healthcare but they are not projecting such information in the right direction, hence they are relegated to the background.

“Information is power but when this is not given out in the right direction, there is bound to be setback.

“Nurses have a lot of information but they are not projecting them out, there is a lot of advocacy they need to be doing to make them to be recognised.

“If you don’t say I am here, nobody will recognise you. Out of the three professions in the health fields, pharmacy, nursing and medicine, nurses carry almost 70 per cent of the healthcare workers population.

“They are not showing up but they want to be in power, this is why the people in power just ignore them ,” Oyedepo said.

He called on nurses and midwives to make use of his book to garner more knowledge about the profession and way out of the challenges confronting it.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

GSS launches StatsBank Academic and Hackathon, 2023 at UDS

The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) in partnership with Statistics Denmark has launched StatsBank Academic and Hackathon, 2023 for university students to raise awareness of the GSS StatsBank and to promote the use of census data for policy-relevant research. The event, held at University for Development Studies (UDS), was to enable students to innovate and explore unique opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and team-building skills. The GSS StatsBank is the first online database for accessing disaggregated census statistics and to maximise the value of the data and statistics in its possession. Dr Faustina Frempong-Ainguah, Deputy Government Statistician, speaking during the launch, said the StatsBank was repository for macroeconomic indicators and in the long-term would provide data platform on other censuses and surveys. She said it currently has over 350 million statistics including indicators from the 2021 Population and Housing Census and a comprehensive set of macro-economic indicators. She said Ghana was the first African nation to offer such a comprehensive, locally hosted tool with census data, adding GSS would expand the dataset on StatsBank platform to include other censuses and surveys in the coming months. Professor Seidu Al-Hassan, Vice-chancellor of UDS, said an effective data system helped government, policymakers, and organisations to improve upon the quality of life of people, especially in the rural areas and to also enhance development. He said improving quality was first and foremost among the reasons organisations should be using data which would support them to measure the problems and take actions for solutions.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GIIF support Sunyani Youth Development Association with apprenticeship machines

The Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund (GIIF) has provided apprenticeship tools and equipment worth GhC140,000.00 to the Sunyani Youth Development Association (SYDA). Including quantities of electric sewing machines and other artisanal tools, the machines are to support the Association in the implementation of its phase-two Integrated Skill Project aimed at providing employable skill training for vulnerable young people. The Association’s skill project covers kente weaving, smock sewing, fashion, cosmetology, bicycle repairs, auto-mechanics, bead craft, hair dressing (cream), hair dressing (braid), aluminum fabrication, solar energy technology, wood technology (carpentry) and visual arts. Speaking at a presentation ceremony held in Sunyani, Ambassador Gorge Kumi, a member of the GIIF, said he was optimistic the machines would well-position the Association to enroll more of the unemployed youth to benefit from the skills training. He noted employable skills training had the potential to tackle the nation’s unemployment situation, create wealth and reduce poverty and therefore commended the Association for its vision and innovation in helping to create jobs for the youth. Mr Kumi, a former envoy to Nigeria under former President John Agyekum Kufuor’s administration entreated the youth to capitalise on the Association’s novelty, enroll and benefit from the training to fetch themselves jobs. Mr John Ansu Kumi, the Sunyani Municipal Chief Executive said the government through the Assembly and the Member of Parliament were doing everything possible to tackle the development needs of the people in the municipality. Mr Kumi said he was highly elated and overwhelmed about the activities of the SYDA which would help reduce unemployment in the municipality, and therefore invited the Association to engage the Assembly on issues bordering the holistic development of the municipality. He assured the Assembly’s readiness to support the Association to achieve its visions and aspirations and urged the youth in the municipality to avoid unhealthy lifestyles and channel their exuberances into productive activities. According to Mr Atta Akoto Snr, the President of the SYDA, the association, formed in 2015, sought to break the barriers of impossibilities in its quest to enhance youth development in the municipality and parts of the Bono Region. He paid glowing tribute to the late Nana Bosoma Asor Nkrawiri II, the Paramount Chief of Sunyani Traditional Area who inspired the formation of the Association and supported its activities at that time. ‘The SYDA hub seeks to create concepts and support for apprentices to unearth innovation and creativity that are capable of solving our problems and also sustain entrepreneurship development,’ Mr Akoto Snr. stated. Highlighting some of its activities, he said the Association had plans to launch its ‘green solution for entrepreneurship development project,’ which sought to create awareness on green energy, as a solution to sustain entrepreneurship development. Additionally, the Association in partnership with the Manna Education Development Foundation, an NGO would soon construct a crèche to absorb children of trainees who become impediments in their mothers training. This strategy would enable all apprentices to go through the skill training to improve their productivity and make them self-sufficient. Mr Akoto Snr. expressed appreciation to the GIIF for the support and expressed the hope that other state and non-state actors, organisations and corporate bodies would come to the aid of the Association to train more of the unemployed vulnerable people in the area.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana Institute of Architects unhappy about country’s built environment

The Ghana Institute of Architects has expressed disgust about the country’s-built environment, disregarding building regulations and codes and other statutory documents. According to the Institute, something ought to be done urgently to stem the uncontrolled nature of development that did not respect the statutory documents governing the management of the built environment. Mr Foster Osae-Akonnor, the President of the Institute raised the concern when he was speaking at a town hall meeting organised by the Institute in Sunyani, as part of activities to mark the 60th anniversary celebration of the institution on the theme, ‘the Architect and the Community’. The day’s meeting was attended by Heads of Departments and Agencies, representatives of District and Municipal Assemblies and planning officers as well as traditional leaders and representatives of religious organisations. It aimed at discussing pertinent issues affecting the region and further strategizing for a better built environment that would promote the health and well-being of the people. Accordingly, Mr Osae-Akonnor explained the Institute would soon sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Bono Regional Coordinating Council (BARCC), because of the region’s development into a business hub. The medium to long term outcome and benefits of the MoU, he explained, would lead to a built environment livable, developed sustainably and created the much needed economic prosperity in the region. This would eventually lead to the overall health and well-being of the inhabitants in the region, Mr Osae-Akonnor stated, saying all the 12 political-administrative municipalities/districts in the region would also countersign the MoU. Highlighting the roles of architects towards holistic national development, Mr Osae-Akonnor underlined the need to design or modulate space for human habitation, saying ‘this entails not only designing and specification, but contract administration involving supervision and eventually post occupancy evaluation.’ As architects, he said the Bono Region and Sunyani had to become a beautiful, vibrant, and sustainable city considering the opportunities in the area of economic, socio-cultural, physical development and environmental attributes. ‘But this can only happen if all of us put our minds to it, have a vision for the development of the physical environment (built environment) of the entire region without leaving behind any of the 12 administrative capitals of the Municipal and District Assemblies (MDAs)’, Mr Osae-Akonnor stated. He therefore called for effective collaboration between the Institute and the RCC and entreated the MDAs in the region to send drone footages covering their entire boundaries that would serve as the base material for a Master Plan for the MoU. Already Mr Osae-Akonnor said similar meetings had been held in six regions including Ashanti, Northern, Upper East, Upper West, Volta, and Oti Regions. The Institute would further hold meetings in the Western, Western North, Eastern and Greater Accra Regions by the end of the year and continued with that of Bono East, Savannah, Central, Ahafo and North East Regions in 2024.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Miner, brother-in-law in trouble for stealing gold worth GH?30,000

A 27-year-old small scale miner, who allegedly connived with his brother-in-law to steal gold worth GH?30,000 from a gold buying shop, at Nsuaem has been sentenced to 18 months imprisonment in hard labour by the Tarkwa District Magistrate court one. Emmanuel Mensah, charged with conspiracy and stealing pleaded guilty. Mensah’s accomplice, Adu Quaye, is however at large. Prosecuting, Sergeant Douglas Addae, narrated to the court presided over by Mr Charles Owusu Nsiah that the complainant, Severin Mouity is a gold buyer residing at Nsuaem, in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality, with the accused person living in the same vicinity. He said the complainant owned a gold buying shop, few meters away from Royal Midway hotel, in Nsuaem. According to Sergeant Addae, on December 5, last year, complainant received gold valued at GH?30,000 from customers and kept same in a drawer after the day’s work. He said on December 6, 2022, the complainant reported for work only to detect that thieves had broken into his office through the ceiling and made away with the gold. Prosecution said complainant rushed to the Nsuaem Police station and lodged a complaint. Sergeant Addae said during investigations, the accused person’s name came up and the Police invaded his place of abode, but they were told he had traveled. The court heard that Mensah went into hiding till luck eluded him and he was arrested by the Agona Police on September 11, 2023. The Prosecutor said during investigations, accused person admitted that he stole the gold from the complainant’s shop with his brother-in-law, Adu Quaye, and they sold it for GH?2,700 of which he had GH?1,200 as his share. He said the convict further said he went and sort refuge at Alabankata his grandmother’s hometown, a community along the Dixcove road in the Western Region. Sergeant Addae said the Police have mounted a search to arrest Adu Quaye for prosecution.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Department of Social Welfare trains Probation Officers

The Department of Social Welfare with support from UNICEF Ghana has trained selected Probation Officers at a two-day workshop on the updated Probation Desk Manual. The training is aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of the probation officers on the instructions and guidance of the probation best practices. A statement from the Department of Social Welfare copied to the Ghana News Agency said the workshop also sought to build the capacity of probation officers on the probation desk manual and increase the number of trained probation officers at the community level in anticipation of the passage of the Community Service Act 2023. Probation service is a statutory criminal justice service that supervises high-risk offenders released into the community. Social Welfare officers who defend children’s rights in court provide probation services in the country. Dr. Afisah Zakaria, Chief Director of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, in a remark made on her behalf by Rev. Dr. Comfort Asare, Director for the Department of Social Welfare, said the Probation Desk Manual served as a valuable tool to help the officers carry out their duties professionally and effectively as it had laws and policies in it. She urged the officers to impart the acquired knowledge on the manual to their colleagues at the office on return. Ms Stella Mawusi Mawuto, the Volta Regional Social Welfare Director, who chaired the training workshop advised the Officers not to relent on the challenges surrounding their field of work but use the limited resources available to yield good results. Ms Hilda Mensah, a representative from UNICEF-Ghana encouraged the Probation officers to share experiences and expertise to enable them to use the manual as a weapon in their field of work and also fight for rights of children and women in the society The Probation Officers of the Department of Social Welfare play a significant role in the criminal justice system by safeguarding children’s rights and assisting the police in locating the juveniles’ parents, guardians, and relatives. About 70 probation officers from the southern sector and four Facilitators making the total of 74 participants from the Volta, Central, Western, Greater Accra, Ashanti, and Eastern Regions were trained on the probation desk manual.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Foundation establishes digital learning hub in Abuja for young graduates

The Richard George Foundation (RGF), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), on Friday in Abuja, inaugurated its digital learning hub established for young talented graduates.

Mr Richard George, Founder RGF, while briefing newsmen shortly after the inauguration, said that it was expected that the facility would serve as a knowledge hub for young talented graduates.

George said that the vision of the Foundation was to start raising young talented Africans who would become real change makers.

”Because we believe that those whose the world has not changed are those ones who will absolutely change the world. And, we want to play a part in this, ” he said.

He explained that RGF was an organisation set up to provide empowerment for young talented graduates, adding that the pillars of the Foundation were three fold

He said the fold included skills acquisition development, which could be technical or soft skill.

Others he said included education, which was not in the formal structure as was common, and then entrepreneurship opportunities.

The founder added that it was hoped that the facility would provide an opportunity for it to begin to birth concept and ideas that will become the start up business for tomorrow’s young talented Nigerians.

He disclosed that the NGO was just nine months old as it was birthed in 2023, adding that the Foundation was anxious to hit a key milestone.

“This is part of the milestone, before we turn one year,” he said.

He also disclosed that since the birth of the Foundation, no fewer than 52 mentees had been mentored in the first cohort, adding that another 50 mentees were being unburdened to commence the second cohort mid October.

“It is a continuous exercise and our mentorship programme is designed for only six months at a time.

“And, we also create opportunities for the mentees to undertake internship in several organisations that are partnering with us or supporting our vision.

“We also provide opportunity for them to continue their learning or chose a different career part,” he said.

George noted that several challenges poses limitations which hamper young men and women in Nigeria as discovered Foundation through research.

He said this included inabilities of several young graduates to own laptops or devices for continuous learning improvement, resources for data, and internet connectivity and reliability.

“These limitations affect the continuous growth of mindset of several of the nation’s young talents.

“So, before they go into employment, they lack the skills to be able to function in organised setting,” he said.

He further said that unemployment had social issues and consequences for the demographics (18 to 35) years, which the Foundation was focusing on.

“Increase in unemployment from the research by KPMG is pointing to 43 per cent, which means we are talking of a ticking time bomb.

“Having this type of facility is an opportunity for them to transfer energy into a place where engagement, communication, teamwork will thrive .

“And, our job is to ensure that the mentorship against our ethos and principles embedded as customer practice so as to become real change makers,” George said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that the symbolic tape cutting of the facility was done by Mrs Astrid Arens, President/Founder, Voice Aid Association, Germany, one of the partners of the Foundation.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria